About journal

ISSN: 2658-607X

DOI: 10.31509/2658-607x-2020-4

Issue is forthcoming


No 3 2023

Scientific journal «Forest Science Issues» was  created to shed light upon progress and achievements of forest science in view of global changes, concerning following areas:

  • forest policy and sustainable forest management;
  • forest legislation;
  • assessment of resource and ecological potential of forests, their ecosystem functions and services;
  • multipurpose forest use and forest bioeconomy;
  • reforestation and productivity increase in forests
  • forest’s protection;
  • forest dynamics monitoring and prediction amid combined influences of natural and anthropogenic factors;
  • forest education

Journal publishes original materials, analytical reviews of current state of affairs in forest science, as well as forecasts of its future development; materials on novel methods and technologies, including remote sensing and GIS technologies. The journal also receives discussion papers and short reports.

Open access policy

All issues of the magazine are publicly available on this site and are available to users for free. Open access implies that users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or find the full texts of journal articles by reference without prior permission of the publisher and author. The editors have a policy of ensuring maximum accessibility of published materials for scientists and researchers.

Verification of originality of manuscripts

All manuscripts submitted to the journal are tested for the uniqueness of the material and the volume of borrowings in the automated of Antiplagiat systems.

Journal is published since 2018.

Frequency: 4 issues per year.

Language(s): Russian, English.

Medium: online publication.

The publication of articles in the journal is free. No article processing fees.

This publication is registered in Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media as a mass medium (certificate ЭЛФС 77 — 72707  of 23rd of april, 2018).

Head Editor: Lukina Natalia Vasil’evna – Corresponding Member of RAS, director of Center for forest ecology and productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation, Profsoyuznaya st. 84/32 bldg. 14.


Geography of authors