• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-2019-1-1-1-24
  • УДК 630.43

Using of transportation network model to estimate travelled time and distance for ground access to a forest fire

full text

E.S. Podolskaia1, K.A. Kovganko1, D.V. Ershov1, P.P. Shulyak1, A.I. Suchkov2

1 Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the RAS

Profsoyuznaya st. 84/32 bldg. 14, Moscow, 117997, Russia

2 Irkutsk Regional Dispatching Service

Deputatskaya st. bldg. 85, Irkutsk, 664081, Russia

E-mail: podols_kate@mail.ru

Received 11 January 2019

Paper presents research results on an experimental forest fire transportation model which is used to build the shortest access routes from the fire stations to the forest fires on the ground for the firefighting trucks. Spatially-distributed data on the fire trucks’ average speed for different types of roads and the elevation values were used in the model for the test area (Irkutsk region of Russia). There were the estimates obtained for the travelled time and distance of special vehicles to access forest fires detected by satellites in 2002 – 2017 within the ground and forest aviation zones of test region; totally, 16251 routes were built and analyzed. The model was validated using the forest fires detected in the ground protection zone. As a result, the access time calculated by the model for 98% (2661) of forest fires is less than three hours. Transport model can be used to choice a way to deliver the forces and fire equipment (ground or air) to the forest fires. Multi-year database of access routes is a useful information to correct the boundaries of forest fire protection zones annually.

Key words: transport model, ArcGIS, Network Analyst, forest fir, fire protection zones, fire station


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