• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-202361-123
  • УДК 502.5:528.88


A. E. Kvashnina1*, F. K. Vozmitel1, V. A. Khamedov2,3

1“Denezhkin Kamen’” Russian Federal Nature Preserve,

6, Lenina Str., Severouralsk, 624480, Russia


2Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

10, Plakhotnogo Str., Novosibirsk, 630108, Russia


3Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

67, Bolshaya Morskaia Str., Saint-Petersburg, 190000, Russia


*E-mail: zapov.dk@gmail.com

Received: 01.03.2023

Revised: 20.03.2023

Accepted: 22.03.2023


The study represents spatial and temporal analysis of the consequences of water pollution leading to vegetation destruction, caused by uncontrolled underspoil drain from a copper mine in the north of the Sverdlovsk region, based on GIS methods and satellite remote sensing data. Based on a 1:25 000 topography map DEM with filled sinks we built a flow accumulation model a watershed map. Examining the satellite imagery of the area dated from 2009 to 2023 we have noticed a distinct pattern of the vegetation destruction along the riverbeds located in the affected watersheds. Our ground observations and drone images have confirmed that the dead forest plots are located in the areas of flow accumulation, in the terrain depressions. The total area of forests affected by the uncontrolled underspoil drain from the copper mine gradually grows and has reaches 1140 ha.

Key words: remote sensing, spatial hydrology analysis, runoff model, forest vegetation destruction, copper mine



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