• DOI: 10.31509/2658-607x-202471-140
  • УДК 631.48


N. V. Salnik, S. N. Gorbov, S. S. Tagiverdiev*, P. N. Skripnikov, О. S. Bezuglova


Southern Federal University, Russia, 344090, Rostov-on-Don, 194/1, Stachki Ave.


*E-mail: salnik@sfedu.ru

Received: 18.02.2024

Revised: 15.03.2024

Accepted: 25.03.2024

The paper presents the results of studying the profile distribution of macroelements in Calcic Chernozems park-recreational zones of Rostov agglomeration in the context of conjugated elementary soil-forming processes. Macroelement composition indicates that along with the previously described intensification of two leading elementary soil-forming processes, such as humus formation / humus accumulation and carbonate migration, during the change from herbaceous to woody plant formations there is also intensification of the associated elementary soil-forming process – oglinisation. This is identified by changes in the bulk chemical composition and redistribution of its main components in soil profiles under forest plantations.

Keywords: Rostov agglomeration, Calcic Chernozems, Haplic Chernozems, oglinisation, humus accumulation, macronutrient oxide, forest park soil



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