• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-2019-2-3-1-50
  • УДК 528.9

The use of methods of geoinformation mapping for the study of woody vegetation of forest-steppe ecosystems of the Central Chernozem reserve

full text

O.V. Ryzhkov*, G.A. Ryzhkova

Central Chernozem State Nature Biosphere Reserve named after Professor V.V. Alyokhin

Russia, 305528, Kursk region, Kursk district, Zapovedny settlement

*E-mail: ryzhkov_oleg@mail.ru

Received 15 June 2019

The methods of cartographic studies of the wood vegetation of the reserve, including the use of modern GIS technologies and satellite positioning devices, are presented. The dynamics of the spatial structure and composition of oak forests over the past 50 years is analyzed. The results of the study of the population of the main tree species of the reserve using GPS (GLONASS)-survey and GIS. Features and character of distribution of trees and bushes on open spaces (deposits, virgin steppes, pastures) are studied.

Key words: forest-steppe, nature reserves, oak forests, mapping, GPS, GLONASS, satellite positioning devices, geographic information systems.


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Ryzhkov O.V., Ryzhkova G.A., Ispol’zovanie navigacionnyh priborov dlja fiksacii mestonahozhdenij i predstavlenija kart arealov vidov iz Krasnoj knigi Kurskoj oblasti (The Use of navigation devices for fixing the locations and presentation of maps of species ranges from the red book of the Kursk region), In: Issledovanija po Krasnoj knige Kurskoj oblasti (Studies in the Red Book of the Kursk Region): Mat-ly scientific-practical. conf. Kursk region, Kursk district, village Zapovednyj, March 2006, Kursk, 2006b, pp. 9-12.

Ryzhkov O.V., Ryzhkova G.A., Izuchenie dinamiki rasprostranenija leshhiny obyknovennoj na Streleckom uchastke Central’no-Chernozemnogo zapovednika s ispol’zovaniem metodov GPS i GIS (Study of the dynamics of the distribution of common hazel on the Streletsky section of the Central black earth reserve using GPS and GIS methods), In: Geoinformacionnoe kartografirovanie v geografii i geojekologii: sbornik statej, Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, Voronezh: Izd-vo “Istoki”, 2010a, pp. 67-86.

Ryzhkov O.V., Ryzhkova G.A., Rasprostranenie Tilia cordata v lesnyh urochishhah Streleckogo uchastka CChZ (Distribution of Tilia cordata in the forest tracts of the Streletsky district of the Central black earth reserve), In: Problemy monitoringa prirodnyh processov na osobo ohranjaemyh prirodnyh territorijah (Problems of Monitoring Natural Processes in Specially Protected Natural Territories): mater international Scientific Practical konf., dedicate. 75th anniversary of the Khopzhor State nature reserve, village Varvarino, Voronezh region, 20-23 September, 2010), Voronezh: VGPU, 2010b, pp. 377-379.

Ryzhkov O.V., Ryzhkova G.A., Ispol’zovanie GIS-kartografirovanija dlja izuchenija dinamiki rastitel’nogo pokrova pastbishha Central’no-Chernozemnogo zapovednika i proektirovanija zapovedno-rezhimnyh meroprijatij (Use of GIS mapping to study the dynamics of vegetation cover of the pasture of the Central Chernozem reserve and the design of conservation measures), In: Mater. mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., posvjashh. 130-letiju so dnja rozhdenija professora V.V. Alehina (Mater International Scientific-Practical Conf., Dedicated the 130th Anniversary of the Birth of Professor V.V. Alekhina), Kursk, village Zapovednyj, 15-18 January 2012), Kursk, 2012a, pp. 168-187.

Ryzhkov O.V., Ryzhkova G.A., GPS-kartografirovanie populjacij mindalja nizkogo na uchastkah Central’no-Chernozemnogo zapovednika Barkalovka i Bukreevy Barmy v 2011 godu (GPS mapping populations of almonds low on the territories of Central-Chernozem reserve Barkalova and Bukreeva the Barm in 2011), In: Geoinformacionnoe kartografirovanie v regionah Rossii (Geoinformation Mapping in the Regions of Russia): mater IV (absentee) Vserop. scientific-practical conf., Voronezh, 15 November, 2012, Voronezh: Izd-vo “Nauchnaja kniga”, 2012b, pp. 105-110.

Ryzhkov O.V., Ryzhkova G.A., Ispol’zovanie cifrovoj modeli rel’efa dlja izuchenija prostranstvennoj struktury populjacii mindalja nizkogo v Central’no-Chernozemnom zapovednike (The Use of digital elevation model to study the spatial structure of the low almond population in the Central black earth reserve), In: Aktual’nye problemy jekologii Rossii i stran blizhnego zarubezh’ja (Actual Problems of Ecology of Russia and Neighboring Countries): mater All-Russian scientific conf. from Intern. participation (Kursk, 12 November, 2013), Kursk, 2014a, pp. 80-83.

Ryzhkov O.V., Ryzhkova G.A., Ispol’zovanie cifrovyh modelej rel’efa dlja analiza geoprostranstvennyh dannyh Central’no-Chernozemnogo zapovednika (The Use of digital elevation models for the analysis of geospatial data of the Central Chernozem reserve), In: Sovremennye tehnologii v dejatel’nosti OOPT (Modern Technologies in the Activities of Protected Areas), Mater international scientific-practical conf. (selected), 12-16 May 2014, The resort village Naroch, Belarus’, 2014b, pp. 108-144.

Ryzhkov O.V., Ryzhkova G.A., Primenenie metodov GIS-kartografirovanija dlja izuchenija dinamiki rasprostranenija berezy povisloj (Betula pendula Roth) na Streleckom uchastke Central’no-Chernozemnogo zapovednika v 2008-2011 godah (Application of GIS mapping methods to study the dynamics of the spread of birch (Betula pendula Roth) on the Streletsky site of the Central Chernozem reserve in 2008-2011), In: Flora i rastitel’nost’ Central’nogo Chernozem’ja – 2014 (Flora and Vegetation of the Central Black Earth Region – 2014): Mater interregion. scientific conf. (Kursk, 5 April, 2014), Kursk, 2014с. pp. 148-153.

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Ryzhkov O.V., Ryzhkova G.A., Dinamika sostojanija drevostoev pojmennyh dubrav uchastka Pojma Psla Central’no-Chernozemnogo zapovednika (Dynamics of forest stands of floodplain oak forests of the floodplain area of the Central Chernozem reserve), In: Flora i rastitel’nost’ central’nogo Chernozem’ja – 2019 (Flora and Vegetation of the Central Chernozem Region – 2019): Mater. Interregion. scientific konf., dedicate. 50-year-old organization of participants in the Central Chernozem Reserve Barkalovka and Bukreeviy Barma, Zapovedny village, 13 April, 2019, Kursk: Mechta, 2019a, pp. 140-146.

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Ryzhkov O.V., Ryzhkova G.A., Nepochatyh L.V., Mnogoletnjaja dinamika otpada stvolov duba chereshchatogo v lesah Central’no-Chernozemnogo zapovednika (Long-term dynamics of mortality of the trunks of oak-trees in the forests of the Central Chernozem reserve), In: Flora i rastitel’nost’ Central’nogo Chernozem’ja – 2013 (Flora and Vegetation of the Central Chernozem Region – 2013): Mater interregion. scientific conf., Kursk, 6 April, 2013, Kursk, 2013, pp. 132-138.

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