• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-2019-2-4-1-36
  • УДК 574.474

Professor Olga V. Smirnova’s system of views in forest ecosistem ecology

© 2019

O.I. Evstigneev1,3*, V.N. Korotkov2

1State Nature Biosphere Reserve “Bryanskii Les”, Nerussa Station, Bryansk Oblast, 242180, Russia

2Yu. A. Israel Institute of Global Climate and Ecology, 20B Glebovskaya st., Moscow, 107258, Russia

3Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the RAS, Profsoyuznaya st. 84/32 bldg. 14, Moscow, 117997, Russia

*E-mail: quercus_eo@mail.ru

Received 16 September 2019

Professor Olga V. Smirnova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, is a prominent scientist in the field of plant demography, population biology and forest ecosystem ecology. Professor Smirnova’s edifice is based on ideas about the leading role of plant and animal populations in the organisation of the biogeocenotic cover. In this case, it is implied that a continuous turnover of generations in populations of edificators (key species) is necessary to maintain the species and structural diversity of communities and ensure their sustainability. This system of views was formed under the influence of Professor Alexey A. Uranov. The development of these ideas was consistent and gradual. First, Professor Smirnova studied the biology of different plant species life forms. Examining their individual development, with identification of ontogenetic stages, is necessary for demographic research. She then developed the theory of coenopopulations as supraorganismal systems, which can self-sustain under different conditions. Finally, she developed the doctrine of biogeocenosis as a system of interacting populations and created the concept of anthropogenic transformation of the forest cover in the Holocene. Her contributions helped researchers to understand the mechanisms of the formation of modern zonality that are due to human activity.

Key words: plant biological age, plant population strategy, coenopopulation, edificator, forest biogeocenology, modern zonality, historical ecology


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