• DOI:10.31509/2658-607x-2018-1-1-1-17
  • UDC 581.93

Review of the flora of forests of the Central Ciscaucasus

full text

N.E. Shevchenko

Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the RAS

Profsoyuznaya st. 84/32 bldg. 14, Moscow, 117997, Russia

Е-mail: neshevchenko@gmail.com

Received 22 August 2018

The taxonomic, ecologo-cenotic and geographical diversity of the flora of forests of the Central Ciscaucasia, counting 735 species of vascular plants belonging to 101 families and 353 genera is considered in the article. The taxonomic structure of the forest flora according to the composition of the first ten families corresponds to the flora of the Ciscaucasia. Forests have a European-sub-Mediterranean-Eurasian with a boreal and Caucasian impurity range of geographic elements. The general course of development of the forest flora of the region as well as the forests of the Eastern European Plain went in the direction of incubation of the European complex into sub-Mediterranean and boreal types with their gradual displacement.

Key words: Central Ciscaucasia, forests, flora, taxonomic structure, eco-cenotetic group, bimorph, geoelement


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