• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-2019-2-3-1-11
  • УДК 581.52:528.88

The main regularities of the spatial localization of various types of the coniferous and coniferous-deciduous forests of the north macroslope of Western Caucasus by Earth remote sensing materials

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R.Kh. Pshegusov, F.А. Tembotova, Yu.M. Sablirova

Tembotov Institute of ecology of mountain territories RAS

I. Armand st. 37a, Nalchik, KBR, 360051, Russia

E-mail: p_rustem@inbox.ru

Received 10 June 2019

The paper presents a comparative description of the parameters of the spatial localization of the spatial localization parameters of coniferous and coniferous-deciduous forests in various landscape and climatic conditions of the Western Caucasus. In the course of the study, the task was set of determining parametric variables that reflect the most significant factors in the distribution of coniferous forests of the Western Caucasus, based on the synthesis of field and distance data. In 2016-2018, 76 trial plots were laid in the Western Caucasus for research and material collection. As a result of the research, a typological diagram of the coniferous and coniferous-deciduous forests of the research area is presented, 13 types of forests are allocated, distributed among 7 groups. Forest stands in the studied forest types are mainly of different ages, many-tiered, highly closed, medium and high-density. Conclusions are made about the high reliability of the spatial distribution model based on the parametric values of discriminant functions and average values of predictors.

Кey words: West Caucasus, coniferous forests, remote sensing data, spatial analysis.


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