• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-2019-2-4-1-14
  • УДК 630

Forestry contribution into food security and nutrition: institutional and economic organization

© 2019 

A.P. Petrov

All-Russian Institute of Continuous Education in Forestry

Institutskaya st. 17, Pushkino, Moscow Region, 141200, Russia

E-mail: appetrov180181@gmail.com

Received 21 March 2019

Forestry contribution into food security and nutrition is considered on global, regional and national levels. Methods and indicators to estimate and plan the forestry contribution into food security are presented. There are recommendations to implement liberal conditions for citizenry and organizations to procure food forest values. Multi-purpose use of forest is considered as a base of sustainable forest management.

Key words: food security, nutrition, food forest resources, unpriced forest values, indicators to estimate forestry contribution, access to use food forest resources, multi-purpose forest land use


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