Vol 3 (1), 2020

Vol 3 (1), 2020
Original research
A.A. Medvedev, N.O. Telnova, A.V. Kudikov
Highly-detailed remote sensing monitoring of tree overgrowth on abandoned agricultural lands
A.D. Nikitina, S.V. Knyazeva, E.A. Gavrilyuk, E.V. Tikhonova, S.P. Eydlina, N.V. Koroleva
Vegetation cover dynamics mapping of the curonian spit national park using ALOS and SENTINEL-2 satellite imagery
O.V. Ryzhkov, G.A. Ryzhkova
Using methods of geoinformation mapping for the study of woody vegetation of forest-steppe ecosystems the Central Chernozem reserve
E.I. Belova, D.V. Ershov
Possibility of assessing the renewal of forest vegetation after clear fellings using landsat satellite data (evidence from Bryansk polesie)
R.Kh. Pshegusov, F.А. Tembotova, Yu.M. Sablirova
Main patterns of the spatial localization of various types of coniferous and coniferous-deciduous forests of the northern macroslope of the western caucasus based on earth remote sensing
A.O. Kharitonova, A.S. Plotnikova, D.V. Ershov
Current and historical fire regimes of the Pechora-Ilych nature reserve and its surroundings
N.V. Baranovskiy, A.V. Zakharevich
Experimental modeling of spruce needles ignition by a carbonaceous particle heated to high temperatures