• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-202252-116
  • УДК 630*907.1


D.N. Tebenkova, D. V. Gichan, Yu. N. Gagarin


Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Profsoyuznaya st. 84/32 bldg. 14, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation


E-mail: tebenkova.dn@gmail.com

Received: 20.11.2022

Revised: 18.12.2022

Accepted: 20.12.2022


The paper provides a review of Russian and foreign articles regarding studying the impact of silvicultural practices on the soil carbon pool to assess the effectiveness of forest carbon projects. Analyzing the works allowed us to conclude that silvicultural practices affect the content of soil carbon through a change in the rate of influx and decomposition of organic matter and, as a result, affect the redistribution of carbon in the soil profile. High-intensity felling, including clear felling, removal of logging residues, damage to the ground cover when planting forest crops, and the development of monocultures can negatively affect the soil carbon pool. On the contrary, selective and low-intensity thinning, leaving logging residues, and planting mixed forest stands, especially on abandoned agricultural lands, proved to be promising forest management practices that contribute to the accumulation and conservation of soil carbon.

 Keywords: carbon, soil, forest carbon projects, silvicultural practices


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