• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-202362-128
  • УДК 630.43


 D. V. Ershov*, E. N. Sochilova, N. V. Koroleva

Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Profsoyuznaya st. 84/32 bldg. 14, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation

*E-mail: dvershov67@gmail.com

Received: 10.06.2023

Revised: 23.06.2023

Accepted: 23.06.2023

Spatial data on the vertical structure and forest fuel loads are a very importance for reliable estimates of direct fire carbon emissions. Main purpose of our paper is to demonstrate methodological approaches to mapping pre-fire forest fuels, which sets of multidimensional regression models and thematic satellite products of forest stand characteristics are based on. The used models make it possible to calculate the parts of combustible biomass fractions (branches, foliage, undergrowth layer, ground vegetation cover, forest litter, detritus) of forest ecosystems for the main dominated species of different ages, relative density and site index for all the forested area of Russia in the different geographic zones. The article provides thematic input remote sensing data, which are used in models for calculating biomass fractions. The paper provides thematic input remote sensing data, which are used in models for calculating biomass fractions. The results of a preliminary comparison of estimates of biomass reserves of the upper canopy obtained based on satellite products and forest inventory data at the level of forest districts of the Kostroma region are presented.


Key words: Forest Fire Fuels, Biomass, Carbon, Remote Sensing Monitoring



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