Vol 2, (4) 2019

Vol 2, (4) 2019
Review articles
O.I. Evstigneev, V.N. Korotkov
Professor Olga V. Smirnova’s system of views in forest ecosistem ecology
A.P. Petrov
Forestry contribution into food security and nutrition: institutional and economic organization
Y.N. Gagarin, A.A. Dobrovolsky, A.P. Smirnov
Situation with protection of forests against illegal loggings in Russian Federation
Original research
G.G. Frolova, P.V. Frolov, V.N. Shanin, N.V. Ivanova
Analysis of factors affecting the regeneration of major forest-forming species in the pine forests of the southern Moscow region
E.I. Belova, D.V. Ershov
Using LANDSAT time series for assessing reforestation on clear cuts in Bryansk region
Short science articles
A.P. Bogdanov, A.S. Ilintsev, R.A. Aleshko
Relationship between tree crown diameter and various taxation indicators in the North-Taiga forest area