• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-2020-3-3-1-5
  • УДК 630*181.351+342.537

Forest code about forest use in protected forests

S.M. Sinkevich, V.A. Ananyev*


Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Pushkinskaya st. 11 Petrozavodsk, Karelia, 185910 Russia

*E-mail: ananyev@krc.karelia.ru

Received: 09.09.2020

Accepted 28.09.2020

The description of the organization of forest exploitation in the fundamental law acts existing the last 40 years is analyzed. The role and age structure of the protective forests are briefly characterized. Need of active management for maintenance of functionality of the protective forests is formulated. The important role of forest code for development of regulatory documents and effective implementation of the concept of ecosystem services is shown.

Key words: Forest code, protective forests, cuttings system, regulatory documents


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