• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-2019-2-3-1-12
  • УДК 528.88: 504.062

Highly detailed remote sensing monitoring of tree overgrowth on abandoned agricultural lands

full text

A.A. Medvedev, N.O. Telnova*, A.V. Kudikov

Institute of Geography RAS

Staromonetny per., 29, Moscow, 119017, Russia

*E-mail: natalia.telnova@gmail.com

Received 01 July 2019

The paper presents the results of long-term remote monitoring for the tree overgrowth on the abandoned agricultural land. This monitoring is based on satellite images with very high spatial resolution and ultra-detailed optical survey from Unmanned Air Vehicles. We have demonstrated successful use of photogrammetric dense point clouds for three-dimensional reconstruction of tree canopy structure on fallows by means of tree canopy height model extraction. We have got spatial data on post-agrogenic tree expansion on the fallow in 2005–2018, tree canopy heights and its vertical growth, stem density and tree cover projection. Distinct spatio-temporal heterogeneity of tree overgrowth has been revealed on the fallow in study. At the first stage after land abandonment the most rapid rehabilitation of trees was remarkable along the «walls» of adjacent forests where the densest but the lowest tree cover established now. During the later period tree overgrowth is connected with isolated hotspots and is characterized with the most intensive vertical growth of tree canopy.

Key words: Central Non-Chernozem region, fallows, post-agrogenic succession, UAVs, digital canopy height models.


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