• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-2020-3-2-1-24
  • УДК: 574.3+595.14

Earthworm communities (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) of pine forests and small foliage forests in the forest-steppe Ob region

© 2020 г. 

S.A. Ermolov

Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova Street, 1, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia

E-mail: ermserg96@gmail.com

Received 06.04.2020

Accepted 02.06.2020

Earthworms are a significant group of soil macrofauna that provides a number of ecosystem functions in most terrestrial communities. Studies of the earthworm species composition and density of their populations were conducted in many regions of Russia, but the lumbricofauna of Novosibirsk region remained unexplored for a long time. The purpose of this investigation is to conduct a comparative analysis of the earthworm population of coniferous and small foliage forests in forest-steppe Ob region of the Novosibirsk area and identify the correlation of several species with the main physical and chemical properties of soil. The study was conducted in pine forests and birch-aspen forests. The main method of sampling was layer-by-layer excavation with manual destruction of soil samples and disassembling of forest deadwood. Some soil characteristics were also measured. There are data on the species composition and population density of earthworms for each habitat in results. Basing the ratio of earthworm living forms we created the classification of investigated habitats. We revealed that the diversity of epigeic and epi-endogeic earthworms in forests is largely provided by deadwood, and the main abiotic factor for worms is soil moisture. For the Asian subspecies Eisenia nordenskioldi nordenskioldi we performed the morphometric analysis in order to confirm characteristic polymorphism for it.

Key words: earthworms, living forms, Eisenia nordenskioldi nordenskioldi, Novosibirsk forest-steppe Ob region, pine forests, small foliage forests, deadwood, soil characteristics


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