• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-202252-108
  • УДК 630


 А. V. Gornov, А. P. Geraskina, D. V. Ershov, D. N. Tebenkova, N. Е. Shevchenko

Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the RAS

Profsoyuznaya st. 84/32 bldg. 14, Moscow, 117997, Russia


E-mail: cepfras@cepl.rssi.ru

Received: 14.07.2022

Accepted: 22.07.2022

July 24, 2022 is the anniversary date of the birth of Natalya Vasilievna Lukina – corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of biological sciences, professor, prominent scientist in forest ecology, forest science and forest soil science, director of the Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on forests, editor-in-chief of the journals “Russian Journal of Forest Science” and “Forest Science Issues”. The article summarizes the main directions of scientific, scientific-organizational and expert activities of N. V. Lukina.

Key words: forest, forest science, forest ecology, forestry, forest soil science, ecosystem functions of forests, biogeochemistry, forest policy, CEPF RAS, Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on forests


Akkumuljacija ugleroda v lesnyh pochvah i sukcessionnyj status lesov (Carbon accumulation in forest soils and forest succession status), edited by Corresponding Member of the RAS N. V. Lukina, Moscow: KMK, 2018, 232 p.

Bioraznoobrazie i funkcionirovanie lesnyh ekosistem (Biodiversity and Functioning of Forest Ecosystems), edited by Corresponding Member of the RAS N. V. Lukina, Moscow: KMK, 2021, 386 p.

Korennye elovye lesa Severa: bioraznoobrazie, struktura, funkcii (Indigenous spruce forests of the North: biodiversity, structure, functions), Еds: K. S. Bobkova, E. P. Galenko, Saint Petersburg: Nauka, 2006, 337 p.

Lukina N. V., Biogeohimicheskie cikly mineral’nyh elementov v lesah Severa v usloviyah aerotekhnogennogo zagryazneniya, Diss. … dokt. biol. nauk (Biogeochemical cycles of mineral elements in the forests of the North under conditions of aerotechnogenic pollution, Diss. … doct. biol. sciences), Moscow: Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov, 1995, 491 p.

Lukina N. V., Dinamika organicheskogo veshchestva v el’nikah kustarnichkovo-zelenomoshnyh v usloviyah aerotekhnogennogo zagryazneniya, Diss. … kand. biol. nauk (Dynamics of organic matter in shrub-green moss spruce forests under conditions of aerotechnogenic pollution, Diss. … cand. biol. sciences), Saint Petersburg: Komarov Botanical Institute of the RAS, 1989, 223 р.

Lukina N. V., Geraskina A. P., Kuznecova A. I., Smirnov V. E., Gornov A. V., Shevchenko N. E., Tihonova E. V., Teben’kova D. N., Basova E. V., Funkcional’naya klassifikaciya lesov: aktual’nost’ i podhody k razrabotke (Forests’ functional classification: relevance and approaches to development), Lesovedenie, 2021, No 6, pp. 566–580, DOI 10.31857/S0024114821060085.

Lukina N. V., Nikonov V. V., Biogeohimicheskie cikly v lesah Severa v usloviyah aerotekhnogennogo zagryazneniya (Biogeochemical cycles in the forests of the North under conditions of aerotechnogenic pollution), Apatity: KSC RAS, 1996, part 1, 213 р.; part 2, 192 р.

Lukina N. V., Nikonov V. V., Pitatel’nyj rezhim lesov severnoj tajgi: prirodnye i tekhnogennye aspekty (Nutrient regime of northern taiga forests: natural and technogenic aspects), Apatity: KSC RAS, 1998, 316 р.

Lukina N. V., Nikonov V. V., Sostoyanie elovyh biogeocenozov Severa v usloviyah tekhnogennogo zagryazneniya (State of Spruce Biogeocenoses of the North under the Conditions of Technogenic Pollution), Apatity: KSC RAS, 1993, 134 p.

Lukina N. V., Polyanskaya L. M., Orlova M. A., Pitatel’nyj rezhim pochv severotaezhnyh lesov (Nutrient regime of soils in northern taiga forests), Moscow: Nauka, 2008, 341 p.

Lukina N. V., Sukhareva T. A., Isaeva L. G., Tekhnogennye digressii i vosstanovitel’nye sukcessii v severotaezhnyh lesah (Technogenic digressions and restorative successions in northern taiga forests), Moscow: Nauka, 2005, 245 p.

Lukina N. V., Tikhonova E. V., Danilova M. A., Bakhmet O. N., Kryshen A. M., Tebenkova D. N. …, & Zukert N. V., Associations between forest vegetation and the fertility of soil organic horizons in northwestern Russia, Forest Ecosystems, 2019, рр. 1–19, DOI: 10.1186/s40663-019-0190-2.

Lukina N., Kuznetsova A., Tikhonova E., Smirnov V., Danilova M., Gornov A., …, & Knyazeva S., Linking Forest Vegetation and Soil Carbon Stock in Northwestern Russia, Forests, 2020, Vol. 11, No 9, Article 979, DOI: 10.3390/f11090979.

Metodicheskie podhody k ekologicheskoj ocenke lesnogo pokrova v bassejne maloj reki (Methodological approaches to the ecological assessment of forest cover in the small river basin), Eds.: L. B. Zaugolnova, T. Yu. Braslavskaya, Moscow: КМК, 2010, 383 p.

Nikonov V. V., Lukina N. V., Bezel V. N., Belsky E. A., Bespalova A. Yu., …, & Isaev A. S., Rasseyannye elementy v boreal’nyh lesah (Scattered elements in boreal forests), Ed.: A. S. Isaev, Moscow: Nauka, 2004, 416 p.

Nikonov V. V., Lukina N. V., Biogeohimicheskie funkcii lesov na severnom predele rasprostraneniya (Biogeochemical functions of forests at the northern limit of distribution), Apatity: KSC RAS, 1994, 315 p.

Nikonov V. V., Lukina N. V., Kislotnye osadki i lesnye pochvy (Acid rain and forest soils), Eds.: V. V. Nikonov, G. N. Koptsik, Apatity: KSC RAS, 1999, 320 p.

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