• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-202252-110
  • УДК 911.8:911.9


A.N. Narykova, A. S. Plotnikova


Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the RAS

Profsoyuznaya st. 84/32 bldg. 14, Moscow, 117997, Russia


E-mail: narykovaanna@yandex.ru

Received: 20.06.2022

Revised:  18.07.2022

Accepted: 18.08.2022

The concept of ecosystem services (ES) has aroused interest among researchers around the world with the growing anthropogenic pressure on natural ecosystems. The meaning of the concept is taking into consideration the ecosystem functions during making decisions and ensuring sustainable development. Mapping of ES is crucial for territorial representation of ecosystem services, spatial analysis, dynamic changes detection, relationships between ecosystem elements, etc. The goal of the study is to review global scientific literature of mapping ecosystem services at the local level. The paper describes the aims, input datasets, types of mapping, and methods of 19 scientific publications. A summary contains a brief description of the initial data and the methods used. Cartographic material has been prepared to show the research geography on a world map. The most popular groups of ecosystem services for scholars have been identified. More than 39% of the mapped ES belong to the regulating services. Global land cover and land use maps are often used as input data for modeling and mapping. Regression models and software-based models (InVEST, KINEROS, etc) are more frequent among the methods for the ES assessment and mapping. Specially protected natural areas, as well as vulnerable mountain, river, and coastal ecosystems are primary objects of research. The study of ES in Russia is also confined to protected areas. Mapping of ecosystem functions and services of local objects is mostly developed in European countries.

Keywords: ecosystem functions and services, mapping of ecosystem services, spatial data, geospatial modelling, local level



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