• DOI 10.31509/2658-607x-202252-111
  • УДК 582.29;502.3(470.25+470.311)

Some results of lichenological studies in Losiny Ostrov National Park (Moscow and Moscow Region, Russia)

E. E. Muchnik


Institute of Forest Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences

21 Sovetskaya str., Uspenskoye village, Moscow Region, 143030, Russia

E-mail: emuchnik@outlook.com

Received: 25.08.2022

Revised: 12.09.2022

Accepted: 14.09.2022

Relevance and goal. “Losiny Ostrov” National Park with the area of about 13 thousand hectares was organized in 1983 and is situated on the territory of the Moscow agglomeration, partially within the Moscow city limits. A unique complex of natural conditions ensures a considerable wealth of biota, which is far from being fully studied. Despite a long period of lichen studies, until recently information on lichens of “Losiny Ostrov” National Park has been rather scattered and insufficient. This work is aimed at updating the lichen checklist and supplementing the information about the diversity of lichen biota of the national park.

Material and methods. Available literary sources (beginning in 1900) were analyzed, and several field studies were conducted between 2017 and 2022. Materials were collected and studied using generally accepted lichenological techniques; identified specimens were placed mainly in the MHA herbarium. A database was organized and maintained in MS Excel.

Results and conclusion. The total list of the lichen biota of “Losiny Ostrov” National Park for the entire history of its study has so far amounted to 148 species from 69 genera, 30 families of lichens and closely related non-lichenized fungi, traditionally analyzed together with lichens. Of this list, 7 species are considered as doubtful, and another two species seem to be completely extinct on the study area; thus, the current lichen checklist includes 139 species from 67 genera and 29 families. A brief taxonomic analysis allows us to define the identified lichen biota as typically forested, but with pronounced signs of anthropogenic transformation. 23 lichen species protected in the Moscow region have been found in the national park, of which 20 have been confirmed during the last 20 years. Occurrence of the rest three species at the territory of the Losiny Ostrov National Park is still possible. Further lichenological research at the study area is needed, especially within the protected and specially protected functional areas of the national park.

Keywords: lichens and allied fungi, biodiversity, protected areas, rare species, Red Data Book, Moscow, Moscow Region


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